Photos from the 2018 National Energy Roundtable
Julie Shin of the Toronto Stock Exchange opens the National Energy Roundtable Session one - The future of utilities Brian Bentz of Alectra shares his views on the future of utilities Ailish Campbell of Global Affairs Canada discusses energy innovation with Ed Krapels of Anbaric Development and Chris Ireland of OTPP View from the floor at the National Energy Roundtable Conference MC and Innovation session chair Sandra Pupatello How innovation is upending power and utilities. Left to right Sandra Pupatello, Maureen Daschuk, BC Hydro, Tony O'Hara, NB Power and Jan Teichmann of Fluence Energy Storage JP Gladu of the Council for Aboriginal Business asks a question from the floor Sandra Pupatello introduces IBM's Blockchain session Peter Patterson of IBM outlines advances in Blockchain for the energy sector Veteran journalist Tom Clark interviews Kenequanash of Wataynikaneyap Power LP and Gary Smith of Fortis on their groundbreaking new project Tom Clark talks nuclear power and electrification with Jeff Lyash of Ontario Power Generation Anurag Gupta of KPMG on the impact of electric vehicles EV session with Anurag Gupta of KPMG, Jane Allen from Hydro One, Tom West of OPG and Jonathan Stone of InstarAGF Dale Swampy of Aboriginal Equity Partners and Joe Mulhall of CUSW Lisa DeMarco of DeMarco Allen leads a discussion on consumer driven energy with Hari Suthan of Opus One, Matt Sachs of Peak Power and Haider Khan of ICF