Chair | Caroline Saunders, British Consul General, Calgary |
9:00 am | H.E. Janice Charette, Canadian High Commissioner, London |
9:15 am | Session 1: The energy landscape in Canada, UK and the EU
Dramatic changes are underway in global energy markets and the implications are profound. Persistent low prices have made only the most efficient oil and gas projects economic, yet some producers continue to add supply and seek new markets given the huge capital commitments required for their projects. Impending climate change regulations will further impact the energy sector, leaving producers, power generators, distributors and end users with questions around the implications of the global trend towards decarbonisation. Add in a dose of political uncertainty around Brexit and the panel will examine how to navigate the energy landscape in Canada, the UK and the EU. |
Session Chair: Carl Mortishead, Journalist and Columnist, Globe & Mail |
10:05 am | Hon. Brian Gallant, Premier of New Brunswick |
10:30 am | Networking break |
11:00 am | Session II: Future transatlantic collaboration
Panelists will examine areas of growth in Canadian and European energy markets. Where can firms on both sides of the Atlantic collaborate on energy technology, production and advanced infrastructure? What are the most promising industrial and engineering applications in both clean tech and for fossil energy usage? In meeting the need for growth whilst addressing climate change, what path will Canada, as a net energy exporter, and Europe, as a net energy importer, follow? Panelists will further examine the public policy decisions that are being made to diversify Canada’s energy exports and offer insights on how to ensure security of supply and a diverse energy mix in the UK and continental Europe. |
Session Chair: Dr. Niall Mac Dowell, Energy and Environmental Technology and Policy, Imperial College London
12:00 pm 12:20 pm |
Preston Swafford, Chief Nuclear Officer and Executive Vice-President, Nuclear, SNC Lavalin |
1:45 pm | Close by Jason Langrish, President, The Energy Roundtable |
* Not yet confirmed |