MC: | Andy Bell, Business News Network | |
9:00 am |
Opening remarks by Monica Rovers, Head of Business Development, Global Energy, TMX Group | |
9:05 am | Conversation with Pierre Arcand, Quebec Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and the Hon Bob Chiarelli, Ontario Minister of Energy | |
9:45 am | Morning session I: Decarbonize locally, nationally or internationally?
An ambitious UN climate accord was achieved in Paris with a goal of limiting global warming to an increase of 2.0 degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels. Now the hard work will occur when the Prime Minister gathers with Premiers this spring in an attempt to hammer out commitments so that Canada can meet its targets. Ontario will join Quebec in an emissions trading scheme and both provinces have outlined a series of conditions for energy infrastructure projects, including new pipelines that pass through their territory. BC instituted a carbon tax several years ago and Alberta has announced sweeping changes to carbon emissions regulations that will impact the high cost oil sands. The panel will examine where Canada can best focus its efforts in reducing its 2% share of global emissions – locally, nationally or internationally. At which of these levels is Canada best positioned to contribute the emissions reductions the world aspires to achieve? What will be the practical impact of policies to reduce carbon emissions on business and consumers?
Chair: Kevin McGurgan, British Consul General, Toronto |
10:30 am | Networking break | |
11:00 am |
David Keith, Professor, John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University Canadian cleantech innovation: Mechanisms. Challenges. Opportunities | |
11:30 am | Morning session II: Competing in a carbon-constrained world
Considering the decarbonisation of the global economy as a mega-trend over the next one hundred years, what opportunities (and risks) confront Canada in the context of building up its industrial and service sectors and international export potential? As the country seeks to transform from a high energy to a lower energy user carbon levies will be introduced, but may also push economic activity to jurisdictions with lower emissions standards. What policies should be put in place to stimulate the adoption of new technologies that drive more efficient use of energy fuels and green the grid by reducing emissions? If industry accounts for only 25% of Canada’s emissions, what is the role of the consumer, as well as other sectors in the economy, in meeting the challenge of climate change? The session will explore how Canada can pursue a strategy that ensures the country plays a meaningful role in progressive and sustained process of global decarbonisation, and prospers as a result.
Chair: Brent Gilmour, Executive Director, QUEST |
12:15 pm
1:30 pm |
Luncheon with remarks by Brian Gallant, Premier of New Brunswick
Discussion of the role of oil in the Canadian economy with John Soini, President, Energy East, TransCanada, Dr. Dan Wicklum, Chief Executive, Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) and Kris Smith, Executive Vice President, Refining & Marketing, Suncor Moderated by Mungo Hardwicke-Brown, Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP |
2:15 pm | Session III: Intelligent energy systems
As Canada crafts a plan to meet it Paris COP commitments, it must ensure that a principle focus is to stimulate the technologies that will enable a more energy and resource efficient economy, allowing its citizens to enhance their quality of life, and it’s businesses to create more value and generate more wealth – all while reducing GHG emissions. Included in this approach would be the development of technologies that make fossil energy technologies cleaner and less harmful, stimulating innovative, low carbon technologies and increasing energy efficiency through the development of smart grids, more efficient transport, buildings and appliances. In meeting these needs, where does Canada have energy and technological advantages, either active or latent (i.e. awaiting development)? How will the producer-user relationship evolve as digitization expands opportunities for buying and selling energy? The panel will examine the policies and technologies that will allow Canada to capitalize on the massive economic opportunities presented by the trend towards global decarbonization.
Chair: Helen Bremner, Partner, Strategy, Energy & Utilities, PwC |
3:15 pm
3:30 pm |
Close by Jason Langrish, President, The Energy Roundtable
Invitation to a closing reception at the Design Exchange |